Recently I was promoted to Business Manager of my schol newspaper. Doesn't sound like a huge deal at first but with great pay-raise comes great responsibility.
Not only am I expected to now deal with endless forms, and paperwork but I also find myself a bit daunted by the tasks of hiring people, being considered someone's boss and all that comes along with that and the endless list of responsibilities that comes in tow.
Having said this, I also have to say how much I love it. I'm getting the best work experience I could ever ask for and given my personality (highly organized, work best under pressure), I feel like I was born for management.
Entering this new stage in my life I figured it'd be a good idea to chronicle my different struggles and keep track of my journey. One day near the end of all this, I'll be able to look-back on this blog (hopefully) and read through my progress.
Now, onto the meat and bones of this all.
The first thing that changes is the office dynamics. People you were once friends with and could take lunch breaks with, curse around and talk about all manner of gross topics with, now become your employees. I find myself having to distance myself from them in order to create respect and better define my superiority (title-wise, not as a person).
I can't curse in the office anymore, I have to dress more professionally, and I have to make sure my time in the office is as efficient as possible. Although its my second home, I have to make sure and project that work comes first because as employees, they will (consciously or not) follow my lead as their manager. I have to do as I want them to do and then some more. But at the same time I have to be empathetic and take a humane intrest in their lives. It's a tough balance, no doubt. One that I find myself struggling with but hopefully improving over time.
Organization is a godsend at this moment. My near-OCD tendencies to write-down assignments in my agenda and keep track of everything I have to do has never come in handy as much as now. I have to constantly hold meetings with different department heads and school officials, as well as fellow co-workers in the editorial side. Punctuality becomes a MUST. Where before it was something preferred, it's now necessary that you show up not just on time, but 15 minutes early.
I went to a speech that Marc Ecko gave yesterday on campus and one of the things he said is that everyone should buy a nice watch. Something just on the brink of being too expensive for you, so that you will strive to live-up to those expectations. This is something that I plan on doing as soon as possible because now entering the professional world (and even more so as a woman), I can fully appreciate the importance of this. As human beings we are visual creatures, and we judge based on appearance. This doesn't mean we're racist or narrow-minded, its simply in our genes. If you dress frumpy, then you are expected to behave in a frumpy manner and produce frumpy work. And believe me, it subconsciously creeps onto you and becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. If on the other hand, you're dressed professionally and look like you take care of your appearance, you come off as someone who's very put-together, confident, and in-charge. How others perceive you is just as important if not more than what you actually do.
En fin, I'm probably the happiest I've ever been right now. I feel productive and completely myself again. Great time in my life right now and I can't wait to see where the road takes me next :)
Naked Lunch Dolls
My general thoughts. Things that are going on in my life. Things that interest me. Everything I find that I think is worth sharing, all for you cherie
Friday, April 15, 2011
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Lanvin and Coco
Soooooo sorry for the long absence! Uni work was killing me and then last week I had to go to Louisville for the ACP conference. (Pictures at the end)
On to business!
As many of you probably already know, Lanvin has teamed up with disposable chic magnum, H&M, the collection will be available in select stores November 23rd but here's the low-down. HERE is a link to the fashion show vid they released. It's super edgy, sexy, dark, enfin it's Lanvin. With pieces for both men and women, the collection spands every social situation imaginable - everything from graphic tee's to dresses, skirts, blazers you'll want to steal from your boyfriend and glittery oxford shoes. Women-one word-ruffles! Lots of ruffles and unique shapes (albeit over-the-top?)
See HERE <3 for the pictures featuring what calls "See Alber Elbaz work his magic for Lanvin for H&M".
Some of the dresses:
have an almost 80's feel to them but in a deliciously missed way. (And no shoulder-pads!) While for the boys they have pieces like these:
On to business!
As many of you probably already know, Lanvin has teamed up with disposable chic magnum, H&M, the collection will be available in select stores November 23rd but here's the low-down. HERE is a link to the fashion show vid they released. It's super edgy, sexy, dark, enfin it's Lanvin. With pieces for both men and women, the collection spands every social situation imaginable - everything from graphic tee's to dresses, skirts, blazers you'll want to steal from your boyfriend and glittery oxford shoes. Women-one word-ruffles! Lots of ruffles and unique shapes (albeit over-the-top?)
See HERE <3 for the pictures featuring what calls "See Alber Elbaz work his magic for Lanvin for H&M".
Some of the dresses:

As compliments to the fine detailing and exquisite drapery of the pieces, we have some statement jewelry:
and probably my favorite thing ever (aside from my lover), SHOES!:
Remember November 23rd!!!!
In other "Vogue" news, recently featured Coco Rocha and 5-month husband James's Manhattan apartment. The bit, titled "APT with LSD" featured everything from the couple's bedroom to their magnificent view.
The full slideshow with all 13 pictures can be seen HERE!!!
Now about Kentucky....
that will have to wait for its own post tomorrow ;)
au revoir!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Been A Long Time Since I Rock&Rolled...
Hello darlings! Yes it's been forever and I've missed blogging so much!!!! Promise I'll never be away so long (unless Uni work kidnapps me again).
This will be a very, VERY varied post-more like bits and pieces to make one WHOLE update on things.
The main topic I wanted to talk about though is designers branching out into other things.
We're all familiar with the typical Ralph Lauren (who received the Key to the City of New York for his civic work last week) and Tommy Hilfiger "Home Collections": cutesy cottage-like shabby chic bed spreads and dinnerware.....
(Ralph Lauren Home Collection)
You get it, not too shabby but not too chic either?
Other designers like VEra Wang however, have known how to keep their style and simply EXTEND it to other areas. Wang's Home collections have the same simply elegant air that her designs do, not tacky - just chic.
Luxe fabrics and simple muted tones make this sheet set a perfect compliment for some dark-wood (maybe Oriental inspired?) bedroom furniture.
Wang's Champagne cup exudes the same elegance that say, a wedding gown of her design would..
Giorgio Armani is another designer who has lost none of his class when branching into the home venue.
Some pieces from his Armani Casa Collection include:
The Omega Bed
This Dinner table which I'm absolutely CRAZY about!!!!
Ultra-modern countertops...
And armchairs fit to be in a museum.
Jean Paul Gaultier, dubbed the rebellious child in fashion, is soon to join the likes of Wang and Armani as he has teamed up with designs firm Roche Bobois. He says his collection will include "a sectional sofa with sex appeal: mattress-like modules that incorporate my signature tattoo prints and sailor stripes, as well as a portrait of lovers who are about to kiss. This sofa brings the bedroom into any room in your house." You can read the full article HERE!!!
Here are some of the pieces:
I thought it necessary to give some honorable mention to designers like Chanel who came out with the Chanel guitar:
and Dolce & Gabbana's MotoRAZR V3i phone (with accessories) way back in the day:

In other news:
It's French Vogue's 90th Birthday!!!
The first issue was printed in 1920 (28 years after the first American Vogue issue in 1892). Since Carine Roitfeld's take-over in 2001, it has undergone a transformation to the unapologetically elitist and sexual publication it is today. You can see some of the most editorials HERE <3
Famous TV stylist Rachel Zoe is (wait for it..) PREGNANT! She's known for being, to say the least, THIN (although corpse-like is more like it)
This will be a very, VERY varied post-more like bits and pieces to make one WHOLE update on things.
The main topic I wanted to talk about though is designers branching out into other things.
We're all familiar with the typical Ralph Lauren (who received the Key to the City of New York for his civic work last week) and Tommy Hilfiger "Home Collections": cutesy cottage-like shabby chic bed spreads and dinnerware.....
(Ralph Lauren Home Collection)
You get it, not too shabby but not too chic either?
Other designers like VEra Wang however, have known how to keep their style and simply EXTEND it to other areas. Wang's Home collections have the same simply elegant air that her designs do, not tacky - just chic.
Luxe fabrics and simple muted tones make this sheet set a perfect compliment for some dark-wood (maybe Oriental inspired?) bedroom furniture.
Wang's Champagne cup exudes the same elegance that say, a wedding gown of her design would..
Giorgio Armani is another designer who has lost none of his class when branching into the home venue.
Some pieces from his Armani Casa Collection include:
The Omega Bed
This Dinner table which I'm absolutely CRAZY about!!!!
Ultra-modern countertops...
And armchairs fit to be in a museum.
Jean Paul Gaultier, dubbed the rebellious child in fashion, is soon to join the likes of Wang and Armani as he has teamed up with designs firm Roche Bobois. He says his collection will include "a sectional sofa with sex appeal: mattress-like modules that incorporate my signature tattoo prints and sailor stripes, as well as a portrait of lovers who are about to kiss. This sofa brings the bedroom into any room in your house." You can read the full article HERE!!!
Here are some of the pieces:
I thought it necessary to give some honorable mention to designers like Chanel who came out with the Chanel guitar:
and Dolce & Gabbana's MotoRAZR V3i phone (with accessories) way back in the day:
It's French Vogue's 90th Birthday!!!
The first issue was printed in 1920 (28 years after the first American Vogue issue in 1892). Since Carine Roitfeld's take-over in 2001, it has undergone a transformation to the unapologetically elitist and sexual publication it is today. You can see some of the most editorials HERE <3
Famous TV stylist Rachel Zoe is (wait for it..) PREGNANT! She's known for being, to say the least, THIN (although corpse-like is more like it)
Will the baby survive in a size 00 frame? If Nichole Richie did it, surely Zoe can too. (and don't call me shirley)
NY Times Fashion published a really interesting article on "The Shift of the Male Ideal" in fashion. The Article! They point out some good examples (like Dior) in whihc I agree there has been a shift but it's far from a movement in the fashion industry, although it should be. Something ala a higher BMI for models in Milan.
American Apparel has issued THIS response to the bullying and suicides of gay teens recently and I couldn't agree more! Support the movement guys!
Also, check out my tumblr to see what I'm up to in-between posts. There's lots of pictures......DO IT!
Friday, October 8, 2010
New Forever21 at Dolphin Mall!
After weeks of terror thinking one of my favorite stores had closed, I've finally been able to go into the new one which aside from being twice as big as the old one, is also GORGEOUS. Each of the sub-brands of Forever 21: Faith 21, Twelve by Twelve, Heritage 1981, HTG 81 Kids, Love 21 and Men 21 all have different sections, each with it's own decor reflecting the style of the clothing. Yours truly went in and braved the odd looks from store clerks to snap some pictures of this amazing place.
Window displays!
This side of the store has beige and pink pin-stripe painted walls and pink puffs of tulle hanging from the ceiling.
I love the bright colors and patterns!!
The Faith21 side is surprisingly varied and has really well-cut pieces.
This is one of the contemporary sections and has tidbits of information on the walls like "A 2 minute kiss burns 26 calories" and "a woman consumes about 6 lbs of lipstick in her lifetime" you gotta love the huge lips.
This section had bottles hanging from the ceiling with colorful liquid inside. It created a really cute rainbow effect.
It's so big!
Such pretty flowy blouses :)
The beginning of the For Men 21 section.
I absolutely LOVE the sequins on these bags. Kind of like the Coach Poppy book-bags but about $470 cheaper.
How cute is this!?!?!?!
The Twelve by Twelve section's sign is hung by strands of pearls! Unusual colors and stenciled walls give it a really nice boutique-feel.
I fell in love with this hat. It's so Chanel!
Yours Truly.
And what I wore today.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Rebirth of Alexander McQueen
After his suicide last year I thought the world would lose forever the magical talent that was Alexander McQueen. His shows had an amazing theatrical aspect to them and successfully turned the pieces into walking works of art. The merit to his genius I think was in how much care he took into preparing his pieces. He was known for doing his research and paying attention to detail and history.
His last collection will, no doubt, be remembered and emulated for a long time to come.
The amazing shapes (I LOOOVE strong, structured shapes - in case you didn't tell) and vibrant colors reminded me of Balenciaga's Spring 2008 Collection - but on steroids.
but McQueen's had a softer feel to them, especially around the shoulders, where there was such beautifully elaborate and intricate work that it almost reminds me of an Elizabethan collar:
The shoes in his collection were one of the oddest designs I've ever seen (but still wanted to buy!).
Probably recognize them from Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" video right?
Indeed, Gaga, who was friends with the late designer sported three different pieces of his in her video:
She also paid tribute to him at the Brit awards and thanked him in her acceptance speech at the VMA's.
Other celebrities who loved his designs were:
Sarah Jessica Parker
However as with all things that come to an end, others begin, and McQueen's house is no exception. Sarah Burton, who worked closely with him for 15 years, debuted her first collection this week and put evereyone's minds at ease because although he's gone, a part of McQueen's genius will go on through her. While not as dark in nature, her designs still had the regal air that McQueen's were known for. Some symbols she incorporated were those of the butterfly and wheat, both known to represent rebirth and fertility.
A wonderful rebirth indeed, while not necessarily better than her predescesor's, Miss Burton certainly made him proud.
And so I leave you with a link to: Alexander McQueen Spring 2011 for your viewing pleasure :)
His last collection will, no doubt, be remembered and emulated for a long time to come.
The amazing shapes (I LOOOVE strong, structured shapes - in case you didn't tell) and vibrant colors reminded me of Balenciaga's Spring 2008 Collection - but on steroids.
Balenciaga's pieces were stronger, sharper
(and ads featured Jennifer Connelly)
The shoes in his collection were one of the oddest designs I've ever seen (but still wanted to buy!).
Probably recognize them from Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" video right?
Indeed, Gaga, who was friends with the late designer sported three different pieces of his in her video:
Other celebrities who loved his designs were:
Sarah Jessica Parker
and Anna Paquin
However as with all things that come to an end, others begin, and McQueen's house is no exception. Sarah Burton, who worked closely with him for 15 years, debuted her first collection this week and put evereyone's minds at ease because although he's gone, a part of McQueen's genius will go on through her. While not as dark in nature, her designs still had the regal air that McQueen's were known for. Some symbols she incorporated were those of the butterfly and wheat, both known to represent rebirth and fertility.
A wonderful rebirth indeed, while not necessarily better than her predescesor's, Miss Burton certainly made him proud.
And so I leave you with a link to: Alexander McQueen Spring 2011 for your viewing pleasure :)
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